Quality Unit
AQU at College of Medicine strives to promote academic performance and related activities related to students, academic staff and inculcate an environment of effective administration pertinent to it by implementing good quality practices and standards as specified by Education Evaluation Commission-National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (EEC-NCAAA) and other related international organizations.
Excellence and innovation in the implementation of quality standards to achieve the vision and mission of the college and to become one of the best vice deanships in the institution.
Implementation and improvement of quality assurance processes by upgrading the learning outcomes and maximizing the efficiency of faculty members keeping in perspective the quality standards set by EEC-NCAAA and other relevant international institutions.
Quality, Excellence, Participation, Cooperation
1. Building a modern administrative infrastructure to stimulate academic and administrative staff in fulfilling the vision, mission and goals of the colleg
2. Implementing principles of total quality management in alignment with the standards specified by NCAAA
3. Assisting the college in achieving a high rank in the international league of institution
Duties and Responsibilities
To widely disseminate the concept and culture of quality assurance at the college level.
Review periodically the vision, mission and goals of the college and the program.
Supervise the implementation of the quality assurance program in the college.
Supervise and evaluate assessment of student performance in the college.
Prepare the evidence based developmental plans and strategies for the college
Supervise the role of the e-learning center in the college.
Review and recommend improvement measures to encounter the challenges faced during the implementation of quality assurance processes in the college.
Identify the specialized requirements for training the faculty and staff in the academic departments and coordinating with the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality at KKU in convening these periodically.
Nominate college staff to attend trainings and workshops related to quality assurance processes.
Encourage faculty and staff members to participate in the courses, training programs and workshops offered by the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality.
Supervise the preparation of a plan for enhancing the skills of the faculty, staff, employees and students.
Supervise the usage of technology, e-learning, multimedia and distance education in teaching and learning processes in the college.
Supervise and prepare the relevant progress reports for the college (Annual Program Reports, Self Study Report, Field Experience Report and Audit reports) prior to forwarding these to the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality at university after receiving approval from the Dean, College of Medicine.
Submit periodic reports to the Dean, College of Medicine about the progress of work and challenges encountered during the implementation of quality assurance processes in the college units
Monitor the expansion and development of educational facilities and up-gradation of laboratories in the college.
Supervise the financial affairs related to the allocated projects and assignments of the Vice Deanship for Academic Development and Quality as per the specified rules and regulations of the institution.
Supervise the implementation of the matters referred to the Vice Deanship for Academic Development and Quality
Augment the activities related to innovation, creativity and excellence in academic research leading to career enhancement of faculty and staff in the college.
Set appropriate interim plans for periodically reviewing certified quality standards to ensure continuous improvement of academic performance at the level of departments and administrative units in the college.
Determine appropriate mechanisms to identify the internal and external stakeholders and estimate their expectations and satisfaction levels while updating them about academic activities in various departments and administrative units of the college.
Evaluate, follow-up and develop the academic performance of faculty members and assist them in enhancing their teaching skills while achieving professional and scientific excellence.
Structure an integrated management system including drafting of job descriptions and policies, procedures and guidelines for all operations in the college.
Monitor the implementation of specifications of courses and the program and review the proposed amendments periodically prior to incorporation of suggested revisions.
Collect, evaluate, analyze responses and recommend measures for improvement using the standardized feedback questionnaires for stakeholders.
Apply standards specified by the NCAAA and periodically evaluate the program using the self evaluation scales.
Suggest appropriate strategies to improve the quality assurance processes in the college.
Prepare job descriptions for all designation of employees in the college.
Draft, distribute and upgrade periodically the College of Medicine guidelines handbook.
Plan, draft and publish guidelines, handbooks and policy manuals for generating awareness among stakeholders regarding the quality assurance processes applicable to the program and the college.
Estimate and prevent risk in an academic setting and recommend management policies to prevent risk prone situations in advance.
Develop innovative applications to assist faculty/staff in computing and analyzing statistical data while minimizing errors.
Development of archival systems, repositories and databases for collection, storage and retrieval of data on faculty, staff, students, graduates, policy procedure guidelines, trend analyses and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).