Head, Quality Unit & MBBS Program Director


Dr Ashish

Dr Ashish Kumar, Associate Professor, Microbiology, College of Medicine

Head of the Quality Unit & MBBS-Program Director College of Medicine, King Khalid University

Reports to the Dean, College of Medicine, King Khalid University

Duties and Responsibilities


Salient duties and responsibilities which are inclusive of but not limited to:

  1. Coordination of all courses currently included in the MBBS program.
  2. Development, maintenance and update of relevant databases for monitoring of the Quality Assurance (QA) processes in the MBBS Program.
  3. Development and maintenance of stakeholder feedback forms and analysis of responses followed by drafting and distribution of feedback reports for improvement purposes.
  4. Convening workshops/ trainings/ CMEs/ seminars and meetings for establishing a "Quality Culture" at the college of medicine.
  5. Serving as a resource person for Quality Workshops/ CMEs/ Seminars.
  6. Compilation of evidence for the accreditation review processes in coordination with Program evidence coordinator.
  7. Preparation of documents for Institutional and Program accreditation in liaison with Deanship of Quality at the King Khalid University.
  8. Drafting policies, procedures, processes and guidelines for the quality assurance (QA) processes at the College of Medicine.
  9. Drafting of handbooks, booklets, posters, publicity material for the College of Medicine Programs.
  10. Drafting of periodic reports related to various ETEC/NCAAA standards.
  11. Hosting and coordinating external reviews/ independent review of the available academic programs.
  12. Computation, analysis and interpretation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with benchmarking for monitoring of the MBBS program.
  13. Drafting of accreditation related documents such as Program Specification (PS), Self-study Report (SSR), SES (Self-Evaluation Scales report) Course Specifications (CS), Annual Program Reports (APR), Field-experience Specification (FES), Field Experience Report (FER), short term or long-term plans, Annual KPI reports, PLO:CLO assessment reports. Establishing benchmarking liaison activities with other similar institutes of repute.
  14. Compilation, archiving and maintenance of the Course files (CF) from course coordinators at the end of each academic semester/ year and monitoring the reliability and validity of assessment data while taking corrective actions when errors are detected.
  15. Coordination of all quality assurance (QA) processes at the College in conjunction with the Deanship of Quality at the university
  16. Recording and archival of minutes during all "Academic Development and Quality Committee" (ADQC) meetings.
  17. Recording and archival of minutes for all meetings of listed standard committees at the college level.
  18. Coordination with all course coordinators in the program at all times to maintain a continuous flow of information.
  19. Development of innovative software applications to assist faculty/staff in computing and analyzing statistical data while minimizing errors
  20. Archival of all the data for all relevant and applicable quality assurance processes.
  21. Compilation and verification of the "Assessment Loop Evaluation" data while measuring PLOs/ SLOs from all courses in the MBBS Program.
  22. Carrying out the responsibilities delegated by the Dean, College of Medicine.
  23. Review of all ETEC/ NCAAA reports and drafting recommendations thereof subsequently.
  24.  Drafting, composition and/or installation of QA awareness posters and maintenance of audio-visual and telecommunication equipment related to quality rooms for maintaining coordination and apt functionality of QA processes across all sections. 
  25. Development of the Integrated Curriculum inclusive of all its components for the MBBS Program.
  26. Establishment of the Central Assessment Unit (CAU) at the College of Medicine.