Success Story

Saif Al-Zahrani, Distinguished Employee

The Director of the Department of Admission and Registration at King Khalid University and  Head of the Registration Department at the Deanship of Admission, Mr. Saif bin Muhammad Al-Zahrani, ranked second in the university  sixth edition  Award of Excellence  as a distinguished employee.

A brief summary of Mr. Saif Al Zharani’s accomplishments : 

1: A  distinguished administrative competency. Awarded the title of the ideal employee for the academic year 1438-1439 AH in the Deanship of Admission and Registration.

Success Story

Aisha Al-Shahrani, Efforts to Spread Technical Awareness Locally and Internationally

Mrs. Aisha bint Musa Al Shahrani, the Head of the IT and Media Department at the Center for Talent, Creativity and Entrepreneurship at King Khalid University, received the university's excellence award for innovation (faculty members and staff category), for her innovations that meet the 2030 Vision and the university's interests.

Mrs. Aisha stressed that the excellence award is a great encouragement for the university members to improve their performance.



Self-service for KKU employees


Service 6 Mechanical Engineering and Department 1

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The University President honors the the College of Engineering team

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